Friday, June 22, 2012

Club Penguin Field Op #87 Cheats

There is a new field op on the island that all EPF agents can do to earn a medal to by special EPF suits. To start the mission you will notice that your spy phone is blink red. Click on your spy phone.
Click "Go there" to teleport to the EPF command room. Then go to the yellow screen to get your orders.
Click "accept field op" to start your field op. Then you will need to find the location of the field op.
The new field ops location is in the sow forts tot he right by one of the wrecked cars.
To start the mission click "engage".
This weeks field op you will get to shoot computer bugs to get your medal.
Gary Says:
  Nice work agents! That'll slow down Protobot's plans... for now. Stay alert. Your first priority is to protect the citizens. More orders soon.
I wonder why g thinks protobot will attack again? He says we need to protect the citizens. Do you know why g thinks protobot will attack again? To let me know if you know, you can leave a comment below.

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