Friday, May 18, 2012

Club Penguin Medieval Party 2012 Quest 3 Cheats

There are three quest you get to defeat on this year's medieval party. This is the quest three cheats. Take a look on ho to defeat it:
Go to the pool and enter the hallway on the right to start the quest.
To defeat the first challenge you have to find the right gem under the right cup.
Here's is the first free item you get. To add it to your inventory click yes to do so.
To complete the second test you have to make your way across. To do so first touch the red button, Then the blue button, and finally the yellow button.
Here is the second free item and to add it to your inventory click yes. To defeat the yellow dragon you need to wear the shield to blast it's laser to itself. Do this a couple times.
To defeat the blue dragon there will be a cauldron hovering above the screen. You will need to hit that with a snowball when the cauldron is above the dragon.
To defeat the red dragon you will need to throw snowballs in its mouth when it is about to breath fire.
You are now ready to defeat the three dragons. After you knock them all dead you can move on to the next room.
Congratulations brave knight, you have defeated the three dragons. You have gotten your final item for your knight costume. What was your favorite item out of the knight costume? To let me know leave a comment below.

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