Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Featured Fashions - Feb. 8


Happy77 here. It's time to share some sweet outfits you've seen other penguins sporting at the Fashion Show! 

Z Kamora said: "I've seen a penguin named Sunoco721 who wears the COOLEST fashions! Like a cool blue dress, sunglasses, and when she's EPF, she wears agent clothes and other cool stuff!"
                 Sunoco721 (edited).jpg
Penguinfan said: "WOW! That's SO cool! I have seen a penguin with amazing outfits! His name is Errorunvalid."
                 Errorunvalid (edited).jpg
Keep an eye out for more styles at the Fashion Show. Let us know about the most fashionable penguin you've seen, and what you liked best about their outfit! We'll pick a few from your comments to feature here on the blog. 

Waddle On! :)

Well I hope you like the awesome new fashions. If you did or you liked a certain fashion, comment to let me know, bye.

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