
CP Guides

How To Become a Ninja:

Before you become a ninja you will need to be able to get other belts. The white, yellow, orange, green, blue, red, brown and then the black belt. After you get your black belt you can challenge sensei. When you first start sensei will give you ten cards of your own. You can get more cards by putting in a code from a card-jitsu pack. When you are up against sensei you may not beat him on your first try {Don't get mad, just try your best and you will beat him soon}. Card-jitsu is similiar to rock, paper, scissors. The only thing different is that it is fire, water, ice. After you beat sensei you get your ninja mask and you are finally a ninja.
                                                        Walk over to sensei.
                                                             This is how you do it.
                                                                    Earn every belt.
                                           Now battle sensei to earn you ninja mask.

1 comment:

  1. I been think about makeing this commet sicene 2012 and all i wanted to say is your epic
