Thursday, June 14, 2012

Club Penguin Marvel Superhero Party June 2012 Cheats

The club penguin marvel superhero party takeover party has finally arrived on the island this morning. The island has been transformed into a huge city and super villains are attacking. At the party you can choose if you want to be a villain, superhero, or citizen. You can see cheats below:

Town and Plaza:
Here is the town and plaza. The to places were crooks are being captured here and there on every server. Take a look at the town and plaza below:
Here is the town and you can damage it with cool new gloves you can get in a catalog.
Here is the plaza were the puffle shop, police station, and the bank are.

Free Items:
There are a good amount of free items for the nonmembers for this months party and that is very nice of club penguin. There is also a new club penguin mascot background from Aunt Arctic which is also a free item. Take a look at the free items and there location below:
Nonmembers can get a money bag for there crook outfit from the bank (Also known as the pizza parlor).
Nonmembers also get the mining helmet for their inventory. It is located in the gift shop.
You can also get Aunt Arctics background if you can find here on the island of club penguin.

Club Penguin Superhero Party Catalogs:
At the marvel superhero party club penguin also released two new catalogs for the party. There is one for nonmembers and one for members. The catalogs are located in the gift shop were the usual catalog is. take a look at the catalogs below:
For the nonmembers you can get a lot of old and new items on the island.
The other catalog you can get all the superhero and super villain costumes along with the robot costume and three cool punching gloves.

Superhero and Super Villain head Quarters:
So for this months party it is good versus evil there would have to be head quarters for them both. So there are head quarters and they are wicked. Take a look at the head quarters below:
 To get to the good head quarters you go through this secret door.
You will get transported to the superheros head quarters.
To get to the bad head quarters go through this secret door.
You will go down to the super villains head quarters. Wow, this marvel superhero party is great. My favorite part is the whole party. What did you like the best about this months party? To let me know whats best, you can leave a comment below.

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