Thursday, June 7, 2012

Club Penguin Field Op #85 Cheats

There is a new field op on the island that all EPF agents can do to earn a medal to get items from there catalog. To get ready for the mission your spy phone in the bottom left corner will be blinking red. Click on your spy phone.
Click "go there" to teleport to the command center. Then go to the yellow screen to get your orders.
Click "accept field-op" to start your field op agent. Then you waddle to were the field op is.
The field op is in the command center to the right of the system defender.
Click "engage" to start the field op mission.
The field op is system alert for this week. It is very easy but also tricky. When you have completed the field op Gary will send you a message. 
Gary Says:
           Excellent work Agent. If those infections hadn't been neutralized, Protobot may have launched a full attack . His threat said he is working on a robot of immense force. Be ready - we might be in for an intense battle. Why do you think protobot is making a robot? To let me know if you have a answer you can leave a comment below.

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